Here’s another quick home-selling tip: A fresh coat of paint is one of the best bangs for your buck you’re going to get when selling or leasing your home. It can quickly take a room that’s dated and dull, and make it look fresh, clean, and new again. Pick a neutral color, so you don’t have to worry about it …
Learn To Love White Walls
Here’s a quick tip you can use to sell your home quicker: Although you might like color on the walls of your home, potential buyers might not, the problem is not everyone has the same color palette as you and a dislike in color choice, could lead to dislike in the overall house. Paint doesn’t cost that much, and it …
Don’t Forget The Floors
Worn carpets and shabby hardwood floors might deter buyers from making an offer on your house. Instead, replace the carpet with something better or get those hardwood floors refinished. If you have a few strategic spots on your hardwood floors that don’t look that great and can’t afford refinishing, throw an area rug or some clever furniture arrangement. These tricks …
Post A Video Love Letter
Here’s a quick home-selling tip for you: Instead of doing just a traditional brochure when selling your home, think about doing a video. You can work with your realtor to coordinate a walk-through of both your home and your neighborhood. Make a great video of the experience that allows you to tell prospective buyers about all the best things in …
Make Your Home Ageless
Make your Home Ageless Here’s a quick tip for easier home selling: There’s a big difference between an old house and a home that is older and has class. If a 40 year old house has paint and appliances to match, that can be a really hard sell as buyers will know. Keep everything up to date and fresh, and …